'Caroline Girvan diet | What does Caroline Girvan eat?'

Posted Jul 12, 2023

'Caroline Girvan, a fitness model, calls herself a “nutrition expert.” When I googled, “What makes Caroline Girvan a nutrition expert?” My search didn’t come up with an answer to that question, so I tried a different question. I typed, “What are Caroline Girvan’s credentials?” Answer: She’s a “certified personal trainer.” Certified trainers do have to read a chapter about nutrition, which is incomplete and usually inaccurate; that doesn’t make her an expert in nutrition.  I am a certified personal trainer and have a certification in fitness nutrition; I am a certified strength and conditioning coach, a certified plant-based grassroots Ambassador, a published author of four books, one a cookbook, and the other teaches nutrition and weight loss.   In her diet plan, she recommends the following:  Breakfast: eggs, toast, avocado, and fruit. Fruits are extremely nutritious and contain fiber, nutrients, and water so that’s a fantastic food choice. For someone trying to lose weight, they should avoid or limit avocados which are high in fat. Eggs are high in fat and cholesterol and should not be any diet plan. Toast is a processed food, but if it’s whole grain and is gluten free, it’s fine for most people to eat.   Snack: protein shake or Greek yogurt. Protein shakes usually contain chemicals, toxic sweeteners, and isolated soy or dairy protein. Dr. McDougall says all protein powders are toxic because the protein has been isolated (molecularly taken apart, the fiber, carbohydrate and fat removed). The probiotics in all yogurts are usually inactive, and what little remains is worthless. We don’t need to add shakes or yogurt to our diets since we generally already eat excessive amounts of protein. (I advise people to try not to snack between meals as snacks add up fast).  Lunch: salmon, brown rice, and broccoli.  Salmon is a high-fat food. All fish contain mercury, PCB’s, microplastics, cholesterol and toxic chemicals. Fish is poor protein choice. I used to eat salmon too, but now, when I want salmon, I make baked tofu “salmon” with nori. Tofu is high in protein, and the nori seaweed contains iodine and omega 3s.   Brown rice contains quite a bit of arsenic so I would choose another grain, like quinoa instead. Broccoli is a cruciferous vegetable and something everyone should eat often.  Mid-day snack: rice cakes, peanut butter, apple. I’m not a fan of rice cakes since they taste like cardboard and puffed rice is processed. Peanut butter is a high fat food, which is not recommended for people trying to lose weight. Apples are awesome and contain healthy phytonutrients. People should eat more apples!  Dinner: chicken breast, lentil pasta, marinara sauce, spinach. This dinner would have been a good choice except for the chicken breast, which is full of saturated animal fat and estrogen hormones, which makes it hard to lose weight.  Snack: cottage cheese or chocolate. It appears she’s choosing cottage cheese due to its high protein content, but most people have digestive issues with dairy because us humans weren’t supposed to consume baby bovine fluid.   Dark chocolate is delicious, but chocolate bars are high in fat, and contain sugar, which is inflammatory and additive, and can lead to overconsumption.   A diet so low in whole carbohydrates, would make it difficult for most people to gain muscle, feel full and satisfied, and have enough energy to complete a difficult workout.  Her diet is lacking in in fiber; fiber is essential for good gut health, so I recommend she add more fruit, definitely berries, and more vegetables, like sweet potatoes and beets, to her food plan, add in beans and lentils for heart-healthy protein and carbohydrates for fuel, and get rid of the dairy and animal products, which are acidic and inflammatory (not ideal for building muscle or losing weight).   She recommends eating six times a day. Eating more frequently can lead to weight gain, not weight loss, and it doesn’t allow the body enough time between meals for repair because it’s spending more time digesting food. I recommend people eat less frequently, limiting their meals to no more than three times a day.  To sum up Caroline’s diet, it’s a high-fat, high-protein diet, low in carbohydrates, low in fiber, low in micronutrients, high in mercury, hormones, and toxins. The reason why she isn’t fat from eating all this fat is that her portions aren’t huge, and she doesn’t eat more calories than she burns off. Fat doesn’t contain fiber or nutrients.   Being slim, muscular and/or beautiful doesn’t mean someone’s diet is healthy.   Even if you or I exercised and ate exactly like Caroline, we wouldn’t look like her. Proper nutrition, consistent exercise with progressive overload is key for a fit, muscular body but genes play a huge role in determining how one looks.  Caroline’s diet plan is better than most out there, but it not health promoting, will leave most people hungry, and have trouble following. All-in-all, I would grade her diet a “B-.”' 

Tags: weight loss diet plan , What does Caroline Girvan eat , Caroline Girvan diet , Is Caroline Girvan vegan , What’s Caroline Girvan’s diet? , Caroline Girvan diet plan , How often does Caroline Girvan eat , weight lifting diet plan , weight lifting diet program

See also: treadmill under , 6 body fat , cycling , chapter , 6 pa , low impact , Ant , SIMMONS , fitness goals , mix
